Consumer unease with U.S. health care grows
By Julie Appleby, USA TODAY
The U.S. health care system — touted as providing the best medical care in the world — is becoming more precarious to most Americans, who are rattled by rising costs, questions about quality and fears about the future. http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/health/2006-10-15-health-concern-usat_x.htm
The fact that there are so many Americans not planning for sickness, illness or the occasional dental visit is beginning to change. This change is coming slow. Our experiences of cheaper health care cost and employer paid insurance has given us the bad habit of not planning for such occurrences. We do see the change coming. The evolving Health Savings Accounts are becoming more and more the option for those who will plan for unseen health care needs. There is also a bonus IRA like savings account for retirement that is IRS approved. More and more tools are coming to help the consumer to make and manage Health Savings Accounts. Live healthy and plan for your future...it will come.