"There must be a real paradigm change within the medical health services and health insurances industries!" "I am happy to tell you today that the time is coming we will be able to take back control of our health and our families health too." Paul Zane Pilzer is a world-renowned economist, a former advisor to two White House administrations, and a bestselling author. He authored the Health Savings Accounts bill signed into law by President Bush in 2003: Speech Grand America 2003
As I insistently listened to every word he spoke, I was getting ideas and thoughts of what would be…if every person understood the communications I was hearing. Paul Zane Pilzer is a great speaker and communicator, but being an economist and financial consultant for many years I was hearing his language. I knew then the need to translate these great new benefits into easy, understandable, applicable steps and actions.
I know I sleep better knowing my medical health decisions are sound, understandable and explainable if the time should occur. My goal is to bring you information, insight, views and easily understandable language to help in your medical/health financial decisions. Great resources will support many of the complex issues to help make your financial decision feel and come together smoothly.