The consumer-directed healthcare (CDH) movement is here to stay.
The largest demographic today has moved toward a healthy, stay healthy or get healthier lifestyle.
Now that's controversial!
Consumers have always wanted an individual choice when it comes to making their own health care decisions. They want a provider they are comfortable with or have used for years, but don't want to change providers because of a career move, or a health insurance change at work.
Americans are attracted to controversial subjects and this is a great one!
Many different views about Health Savings Accounts will keep this subject controversial for a long time.
Don't be the last to find out!
Don't be "That Guy" who passed on a health care jewel and a financial pot-of-gold at the end the rainbow.
Learn more about the basics: your options, your participation levels, what your company offers now (Your current health insurance at work.), your entrepreneurial options, the three tax advantages.
Owner of companies: 1-19 employees, 20 employees and above.
Your options are vast, both for you and your employees.
The past few years of legislation has opened advantages once only available to large corporations.
Find out what the controversy is about.
Learn were you, your company or were you and your family are now.
Health Savings Accounts are controversial and that is good.
Learn more...read this short white paper. www.healthsavingsaccountsinc.com/articles/consumerfocusedhealthplans.htm