Health Savings Accounts have become so popular as of late because of the savings in monthly premium payments as well the freedom to take that associated insurance with you when changing jobs.
Note: (1 million plus people last year had a bankruptcy caused by a medical expenses not covered by a group plans, changing of a job or for not have any insurance at all.)
This is a key work we speak of often called Consumer Portability Options. It is not a industry key word and is hard to often get a correct answer when it pertains to health care choices, plans and option available to employees and employers. To put it in short, it is the proper usage of best in class and savings combined with equal or better coverage in your health care plans (Health Insurance) combined with ownership (Take it with you when you move or change jobs.).
I am writing an white paper to detail these topic and benefits for the layman to understand and implement.
I expound on strategies to cover yourself and family while making your fine choice to implement a Health Savings Account for you and your family.
Stay tuned...It will be out soon and I will put a link on my blog to the white paper.