Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Health Savings Accounts: Made easier?

Many have asked the question "Is A Health Savings Account really as good as they say?"

Look at the alternatives.

I have health insurance from my company.

You pay, by not making as much as you could. If you had suggested a Health Saving Account to you owner, boss or Human Resource Director, you would have paid less.

I pay for my own health insurance and it does cost a lot.

I already have a high deducible, but it is just below qualifying for the Health Savings Account write off (IRS) laws.

Have we learned?

1. I made one of the above choices! Result...Nothing!

2. I did not know there was a better choice. Result...Nothing!

3. I like my low deductible, so I will forgo the retirement benefit which is so large I can't grasp it yet. Result...Nothing!

4. I don't have health insurance, and I don't like to talk about it. So quit bringing up the subject. Result...Nothing!

5. I know about it and I am a subservient individual by choice and I am owned by my past
decision, so I choose to not act on anything that is new or different. Result...Nothing!

Have we learned anything from today's discussion?

Zero time Zero equals Zero!

No choice no result!

The time to act is now! Health Savings Accounts equals choice, savings, flexibility and wealth!

Read more and make wealthy decisions.
