Monday, July 23, 2007

Harvard Program on Health Policy & Management

The letter below refers to a program sponsored by Harvard University. Doctor Nelman C. Low was one of many who attended this conference while I was a consultant for the medical industry. I invited many of the brightest doctors in American to attend on their own dime to be educated about the subjects and actions needed to keep medicine and health care working for them and for their patients.

Date: October 18, 1993

Dear Mr. Malin

As a private practice Head & Neck Surgeon, I enjoyed attending the Harvard Program on Health Policy & Management. It was enlightening to review the problems that we have been dealing with in health care from a national viewpoint and from the perspective of health economists, ethicists and business management.

I was encouraged to interact with young enthusiastic physicians who felt that we still had a bright outlook in our profession, but somewhat discouraged by the realization that our profession is rapidly changing and that the business managers and the bean counters will ultimately control medicine if we as active practitioners of medicine do not actively participate in this process of change.


Nelman C. Low, M.D., F.A.C.S.

This 13+ year old letter is still as poignant now as it was then. We consumers along with our doctors need to understand how to access the best health care services and still maintain control and , flexibility as well as all our options.

I have had some of the best doctors work on me when I needed help. I am glad I knew my options and was able to receive great health care.

Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and HSA-qualified plans make this possibility available to more Americans today than ever before.

I read 10-15 articles every day on this subject, but have noticed most just quote from the Treasury Department, IRS and government documents. Through my research of the past 3+ years on HSAs I have distilled the available aspects, benefits and tools for use by business owners, entrepreneurs, and consumers.

Take action today to educate yourself so you will know the options available to all.